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  • Song Ziwei apologizes for the '7-day no-reason return' incident: I sincerely accept everyone's criticism and will be cautious about every purchase in the future.
    Song Ziwei apologizes for the '7-day no-reason return' incident: I sincerely accept everyone's criticism and will be cautious about every purchase in the future.
    This website reported on July 27 that Song Ziwei, the former iQOO mobile phone product manager and now joining Li Auto, apologized for inappropriate remarks last night. The article states: "I love digital products very much, so I often buy some novel digital products to study at home. However, after several unsuccessful trials and errors, the products piled up at home. In order to save costs and time, I started to be lazy and use I am very sorry for the unreasonable return and exchange rules. I am very sorry for this." Song Ziwei also said that her behavior was wrong and very bad, and it also violated her original intention. This incident set a bad example for everyone, and I feel very ashamed. I sincerely accept everyone's criticism and will be cautious about every purchase in the future. Please supervise it. This site noticed that Song Ziwei had previously publicly posted that she
    It Industry 671 2024-07-27 13:15:12
  • The People's Bank of China issued the 'Implementation Rules of the Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Non-bank Payment Institutions' to strengthen the legal supervision of Alipay, WeChat Pay and other institutions
    The People's Bank of China issued the 'Implementation Rules of the Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Non-bank Payment Institutions' to strengthen the legal supervision of Alipay, WeChat Pay and other institutions
    This website reported on July 26 that the People's Bank of China issued the "Implementation Rules of the Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Non-bank Payment Institutions" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Rules"). The "Implementation Rules" shall come into effect on the date of promulgation. The "Measures for the Administration of Payment Services of Non-Financial Institutions" (People's Bank of China Order [2010] No. 2) and the "Implementation Rules for the Measures for the Administration of Payment Services of Non-Financial Institutions" (People's Bank of China Announcement [2010] No. 17) are abolished at the same time. The "Implementation Rules" have six chapters and 77 articles, including general provisions, establishment, change and termination, payment business rules, supervision and management, legal responsibilities and supplementary provisions. They aim to refine the provisions of the "Regulations" and provide payment institutions with standardized and healthy development. Strong institutional guarantee. The main contents are: First, clarify administrative licensing requirements. Set up in accordance with the Regulations
    It Industry 469 2024-07-27 13:09:03
  • CATL's net profit in the first half of 2024 was 22.865 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.37%
    CATL's net profit in the first half of 2024 was 22.865 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.37%
    According to news from this website on July 26, CATL released its 2024 semi-annual report: revenue in the first half of this year was 166.77 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 11.88%; net profit attributable to the parent company in the first half of the year was 22.865 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.37%. 1. Market share: CATL’s global market share of power battery usage from January to May 2024 was 37.5%, an increase of 2.3 percentage points from the same period last year, and continues to rank first in the world. Energy storage field: CATL has ranked first in the world in terms of energy storage battery shipments for three consecutive years. R&D investment: CATL’s R&D investment in the first half of this year reached 8.592 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 12.77%. In terms of products or services, the gross profit margin of CATL's power battery system in the first half of the year reached 26.90%, an increase of 6.9% compared with the same period last year.
    It Industry 969 2024-07-27 11:41:47
  • OPPO, vivo, Xiaomi, and Lenovo app stores have a 64-bit adaptation rate of over 99.1%, and 32-bit apps will be completely eliminated on August 31
    OPPO, vivo, Xiaomi, and Lenovo app stores have a 64-bit adaptation rate of over 99.1%, and 32-bit apps will be completely eliminated on August 31
    According to news from this site on July 26, the Mobile Intelligent Terminal Ecological Alliance today announced the latest data as of July 26, 2024: the full adaptation rate of the four software stores of the Gold Label Alliance members OPPO, vivo, Xiaomi, and Lenovo has reached 99.1 %, but there are still 4,100+ (99% not available) key applications that affect users' daily lives that have not yet been adapted to 64-bit, a decrease of 700+ from the previous month. Note on this site: The Gold Label Alliance is an open, non-profit social organization voluntarily jointly established by Chinese intelligent terminal manufacturers OPPO, vivo, Xiaomi, Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent. In November 2022, Lenovo announced that it would join the Gold Label Alliance. In April 2023, BBK announced that it would join the Gold Label Alliance. As we all know, Arm architecture CPU
    It Industry 125 2024-07-27 09:46:42
  • MSI: Working closely with Intel, the BIOS will be updated in August to solve the instability problem of 13/14 generation Core CPUs
    MSI: Working closely with Intel, the BIOS will be updated in August to solve the instability problem of 13/14 generation Core CPUs
    According to news from this site on July 26, Intel issued an announcement on Tuesday, claiming that the 13th/14th generation Core desktop computers have experienced instability due to excessive voltage, which is caused by microcode algorithms, and plans to release it in mid-August. A microcode patch is released to fix this issue. Generally speaking, after Intel releases a microcode update, it is difficult for motherboard manufacturers to launch the corresponding stable version of BIOS firmware in the short term. After all, each manufacturer still needs some time to adapt and test its own motherboard product lines. MSI has now released a statement saying it is "working closely with Intel and closely monitoring its progress in resolving this issue through microcode updates." MSI also promised to "provide customers with a new version of BIOS as soon as possible after the microcode is released in mid-August" and implored affected users to "continue to pay attention."
    It Industry 767 2024-07-27 09:10:53
  • Actively responding to the 'Micro-Short Drama Copyright Protection Initiative', Douyin, WeChat and other platforms announced to strengthen the management of pirated micro-short drama content
    Actively responding to the 'Micro-Short Drama Copyright Protection Initiative', Douyin, WeChat and other platforms announced to strengthen the management of pirated micro-short drama content
    According to news from this website on July 26, the China Online Audiovisual Program Service Association released the "Micro-Short Drama Copyright Protection Initiative" on July 25, which proposed four copyright issues in the micro-short drama industry such as imitation, plagiarism, cutting and transfer, and pirated remakes. The initiative aims to provide a healthy and beneficial creative environment for creators, a fair and orderly competitive environment for practitioners, and escort the high-quality development of micro-short dramas. In this regard, WeChat, Douyin, Kuaishou, Bilibili and other platforms have responded positively and strongly supported: Douyin announced that the platform has long continued to carry out micro-short drama piracy management, protects the copyright rights and interests of copyright owners, and severely cracks down on piracy, Moving and other infringements. This year, copyright protection has been enabled for nearly 8,000 micro-short dramas, and we continue to optimize the copyright review link for newly released videos and clean up the site’s memory.
    It Industry 847 2024-07-27 08:38:22
  • Globalization is advancing, Nezha X pure electric SUV is launched in Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok
    Globalization is advancing, Nezha X pure electric SUV is launched in Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok
    According to news on July 26, Nezha Automobile recently announced that its pure electric SUV Nezha X will be launched simultaneously in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Bangkok, Thailand on July 25. This move is regarded as a comprehensive acceleration of Nezha Automobile’s globalization strategy in the Southeast Asian market. This year, Nezha Automobile has been particularly active in overseas markets and has successfully established three important factories in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. According to the editor's understanding, this series of actions highlights Nezha Automobile's determination and ambition to expand overseas markets. 1. Nezha Automobile’s overseas layout January: Established a third overseas factory with a Malaysian partner March: Thailand’s eco-smart factory was put into operation, with an annual production capacity of 30,000 vehicles April: Indonesia’s eco-smart factory was put into operation, and new cars rolled off the production line Not long ago: South America First company opens in Sao Paulo, Brazil
    It Industry 287 2024-07-27 06:43:53
  • Counterpoint: China's smartphone sales increased by 6% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2024, with vivo taking the top spot
    Counterpoint: China's smartphone sales increased by 6% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2024, with vivo taking the top spot
    According to news on July 26, according to the latest monthly mobile phone sales data service from market research organization Counterpoint, in the second quarter of 2024, China’s smartphone market showed a positive growth trend, with sales increasing by 6% year-on-year. This growth rate was boosted by the 618 Shopping Festival promotions, during which smartphone sales jumped 6.8% year-on-year. This performance not only further confirms that the world's largest smartphone market is recovering strongly, but also injects optimistic expectations into the overall prospects of global smartphone sales in 2024. The report details that in the Chinese smartphone market in the second quarter of 2024, vivo ranked first with a market share of 18.5%, followed by Apple and Huawei, which each occupied 15.5%.
    It Industry 911 2024-07-27 06:03:02
  • Nine Electric mistakenly marked the price of the M95c+ at 500 yuan. The user's first vehicle that was photographed can be picked up normally.
    Nine Electric mistakenly marked the price of the M95c+ at 500 yuan. The user's first vehicle that was photographed can be picked up normally.
    According to news from this site on July 26, Nine Electric issued an announcement today, saying that it mistakenly set the price of the M95c+ electric motorcycle at 500 yuan on the Meituan platform, causing information interference to users who intend to purchase the product, and deeply apologizes for this. In response to this situation, after internal communication and in line with the business philosophy of "integrity-based, customer first", we promise all users who have photographed the link of this product that they can use the order information to go to the designated store for verification, and the first vehicle can press Pick up the car at normal price. The No. 9 M95c+ electric motorcycle was released on July 18, priced starting from 5,999 yuan. It supports the RideyLONG long-range system and has a range of up to 100km at full speed in third gear. For details, please refer to previous reports on this site.
    It Industry 336 2024-07-27 06:01:02
  • The price increase also sells well! Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi dropped prices and sold better after the war
    The price increase also sells well! Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi dropped prices and sold better after the war
    According to news on July 26, recently, the domestic luxury car market has set off a trend of "reducing production to protect prices". Led by BMW, well-known car companies such as Mercedes-Benz and Audi have followed suit, choosing to withdraw from the price war and raising the prices of their models. This strategic adjustment has attracted widespread attention in the market, and people have speculated whether the price increase will have a negative impact on sales. However, judging from the latest sales data, this fear does not appear to be true. It is understood that since the price increase, the sales of BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi have shown an upward trend. In the third week of July (July 15-July 21), the sales of these three car companies increased to varying degrees compared with the previous week. Among them: Audi had the most significant increase, with sales increasing by 2,400 units; Mercedes-Benz followed closely behind
    It Industry 173 2024-07-27 05:30:42
  • See you in the year! Xingji Meizu's first car is highly anticipated, Liao Qinghong reveals the progress
    See you in the year! Xingji Meizu's first car is highly anticipated, Liao Qinghong reveals the progress
    According to news on July 26, during the recently grand opening of the 2024 ChinaJoy event, Xingji Meizu Chief Operating Officer Liao Qinghong revealed to the media that the highly anticipated Xingji Meizu car will soon meet the public this year. It is reported that this new car will display completely different functions and characteristics from traditional car manufacturers, bringing users a new driving experience. 1. Meizu, a well-known brand in the field of smart devices, officially entered the automobile market to create "DreamCar". Relying on SEA architecture and Geely Industry 4.0 to ensure excellent quality and cutting-edge technology. Innovative marketing: The purchase of Meizu 21 mobile phone can be directly deducted from the car payment. The new car is named "Meizu MX" and is equipped with the FlymeAuto car system. "Unbounded Intelligent Travel Open Platform 2.0" is expected to be launched by the end of the year to help
    It Industry 960 2024-07-27 03:26:32
  • Why can XPeng Zhijia drive freely across the country? He Xiaopeng gives the answer
    Why can XPeng Zhijia drive freely across the country? He Xiaopeng gives the answer
    According to news on July 26, Xpeng Motors will hold an AI smart driving technology conference at the end of this month, which has attracted attention both inside and outside the industry. Today, Xpeng Motors CEO He Xiaopeng gave a detailed answer to the question "Why is Xpeng's smart driving truly available nationwide?" 1. There are currently a variety of high-end autonomous driving solutions on the market, mostly based on a combination of high-definition maps, AI, lidar and algorithms. Although this method can achieve better results in specific areas, it relies on high-definition maps, has a limited application range, requires a large number of rule settings, and does not run smoothly. Although the end-to-end autonomous driving solution adopted by Xpeng Motors is more complex, it is flexible and comprehensive. Xpeng Motors firmly believes that the combination of end-to-end solutions and large models can build a software architecture suitable for L2-L4 levels. Should
    It Industry 501 2024-07-27 01:21:33
  • Carrot Run was praised by Zhou Hongyi: It smells like Wenjie M9, but he was asked to get off because he refused to drive.
    Carrot Run was praised by Zhou Hongyi: It smells like Wenjie M9, but he was asked to get off because he refused to drive.
    According to news on July 26, the "Carrot Run" unmanned taxi service has attracted much attention recently, attracting the attention of many people. On July 25, Zhou Hongyi also personally experienced this service in Wuhan and spoke highly of it. 1. Zhou Hongyi easily opened the door of the "Carrot Run" unmanned taxi by entering the password, and got in the car to start the experience. He observed the automatic adjustment of the steering wheel and lamented that this high-tech experience made people feel like they were in a science fiction movie. During the ride, Zhou Hongyi praised the driving experience of the vehicle, especially when the vehicle was turning. He mentioned that the feeling of driving was almost the same as that of a real person, even a bit like an M9. After arriving at the destination, Zhou Hongyi did not get out of the car immediately, but chose to stay in the car to observe how "Carrot Run" would respond.
    It Industry 435 2024-07-27 00:55:23
  • NIO CEO Ai Tiecheng: L60 interior design will be revealed next month and will be launched in late September
    NIO CEO Ai Tiecheng: L60 interior design will be revealed next month and will be launched in late September
    According to news on July 26, during the recent Extreme Hot Experience live broadcast event held by Ledo Auto in Turpan, CEO Ai Tiecheng announced an exciting news to the public: Ledo L60 model is expected to be officially launched in late September. And deliveries to consumers will begin within a week of launch. Ai Tiecheng also revealed that this new model will soon roll off the mass production line, and they plan to reveal the interior design concept of the L60 within the next month. According to the editor's understanding, the pre-sale price of the Ledo L60 starts at 219,900 yuan. It is a pure electric medium-sized SUV with a unique daytime running light and taillight design. Its design is inspired by the "upward road". When the vehicle speed reaches 120km/h, its drag coefficient can be maintained at 0.229, showing its outstanding performance.
    It Industry 253 2024-07-27 00:36:13
  • Guangzhou Automobile Honda responds to rumors that it will close two auto plants in China: it is a strategic transformation move
    Guangzhou Automobile Honda responds to rumors that it will close two auto plants in China: it is a strategic transformation move
    According to news on July 26, Honda China announced today that in order to comply with industry trends and optimize resource allocation, the company is implementing a production capacity optimization plan aimed at accelerating the electrification transformation. According to a statement released by Honda China, the company's production lines in China will undergo a series of adjustments. It is understood that Honda currently has 7 vehicle production lines in China, with a total annual production capacity of 1.49 million units. However, as market demand changes and the electrification trend advances, Honda has decided to close or adjust some production lines. Specifically, Guangqi Honda plans to shut down its fourth production line with an annual production capacity of 50,000 units in October 2024, while Dongfeng Honda plans to shut down its second production line with an annual production capacity of 240,000 units in November of the same year. After these adjustments, Honda’s total automobile production in China
    It Industry 884 2024-07-27 00:04:34

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