Band of Brothers new version Linux video tutorial
Linux is a free-to-use and freely disseminated Unix-like operating system. It is a multi-user, multi-task, multi-thread and multi-CPU operating system based on POSIX and UNIX. Linux inherits the network-centric design philosophy of Unix and is a multi-user network operating system with stable performance. "Brothers New Version Linux Video Tutorial" will introduce you how to use the Linux system, so that friends can quickly learn to use this operating system.
912917 person learning
150class hour
02 days 04 hours 22 minutes 48 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 67 courses Student67562 Lecturer rating5.8
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By studying "Brothers New Version Linux Video Tutorial", friends will learn about Linux installation, common commands, software user management, permission management, system service management, etc., and quickly get started using the Linux operating system.
Band of Brothers new version Linux video tutorial
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02 days 04 hours 22 minutes 48 seconds Watch videos anytime
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