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  • 'Arknights' Crucible Resurrection KR-7 Raid Clearance Guide
    'Arknights' Crucible Resurrection KR-7 Raid Clearance Guide
    How to fight the KR-7 raid in "Arknights"? Arknights will launch the Crucible Resurrection event in July 2024. How to clean and rebuild the KR-7 Norbert? Next, let us learn about the strategy for hanging up after the Arknights KR-7 raid. Arknights KR-7 raid is completed and hung up 1. Level introduction [KR-7] Norbert: Dredging and reconstruction Raid conditions: The descendants of Sarkazi modify the supply truck and the talent effect is doubled 2. The source of the play method with operators : Xiao Ran q Ground: Serea (blocking) High platform: Logos (high platform output), Honeyberry (healing) No Logos can be replaced by another magician while bringing an additional ground output (such as Huang, Thorn, etc. ) 3. Playing strategy: Deploy in the order shown in the picture: Serea → Logos (right) → Honey
    Mobile Game Guide 134 2024-07-27 18:59:51
  • Recommendations for the strongest lineup of 'Chun no Song'
    Recommendations for the strongest lineup of 'Chun no Song'
    "Chun no Song" lineup matching is one of the core gameplays. Basically, most dungeon levels are inseparable from lineup matching. Players can choose some powerful characters to form a team. Many friends still don't know how to build a strong team. Next, let the editor take you to take a look. How to match the Chun Zhi Song lineup 1. Lin Xiuzhen + Aila + Fei Zonglin + Zhen Ling + Mochizuki 1. This lineup has a very strong comprehensive ability and can quickly clear multiple dungeon challenges. 2. Both Lin Xiuzhen and Ella have good AOE damage, and their passives can also cause negative effects on enemies with residual health. 3. Mochizuki itself not only has good healing ability, but can also reduce the enemy's physical resistance. 2. Can Yun + Blazing Fire Feather + Ella + Xuan Zonglin + Chun 1. The training difficulty of this lineup is relatively low, and the overall attributes
    Mobile Game Guide 725 2024-07-27 18:58:40
  • Introduction to methods to increase combat power in Awakening of Nations
    Introduction to methods to increase combat power in Awakening of Nations
    Friends who have a lot of combat power in Awakening of Kingdoms want to know how to improve their combat power. Strong combat power is the magic weapon for victory. The editor below will introduce to you how to increase the combat power of Awakening of Kingdoms, come and take a look. How to improve combat power in Awakening of Kingdoms 1. Players can improve combat power by upgrading technology. Technology is divided into construction, agriculture, and military. 2. Players can increase their combat power through buildings. 3. Players can increase combat power through acceleration and money. Building combat power bonus building (25 full level) One hospital: 881480 One stone mine: 192100 One farmland: 143196 One timber factory: 143196 One gold mine: 735046 Alliance center: 667083 Castle: 783449 Jinhou camp: 139023
    Mobile Game Guide 768 2024-07-27 18:57:45
  • 'Heartbeat Town' Redeye Fishing Time and Location Sharing
    'Heartbeat Town' Redeye Fishing Time and Location Sharing
    Fishing in the Heart Town game is not only a leisure and entertainment activity, but also helps players obtain rich resources and fun. Each fish has its own time and place to appear, and some fishable species will be affected by both weather and time! So where to catch redeye? Below is the editor’s sharing of redeye fishing time and location in “Heartbeat Town”. If you want to know more, let’s take a look. "Heartbeat Town" red-eye fish fishing time and location sharing red-eye fish acquisition location: hot spring lake on the map can be fished. Access time: 0~24 all day. Fishing Tutor Vanya is a fishing hobby tutor. You can get early fishing equipment and bait from him, as well as very important fishing knowledge. In the game, our fishing can be divided into river fish, lake fish, and sea fish. distributed species
    Mobile Game Guide 473 2024-07-27 18:54:13
  • Introduction to the solution to the black screen in Ashes Front
    Introduction to the solution to the black screen in Ashes Front
    Many friends on the Ashes Front have found that they have a black screen problem. What is going on? How should we solve it? The editor below will bring you an introduction to the black screen of Ashes Front, come and take a look. What to do if Ashes Front has a black screen? 1. The player's phone may be stuck. The player can restart the phone and then enter the game. 2. It may be that the player's mobile phone has insufficient memory. The player should clean up the memory and delete items that are not commonly used. 3. It may be that the player's system is incompatible. Players can upgrade their mobile phone systems. 4. It may be that the version of Ashes Front in the player’s hands is too low, and players can re-download Ashes Front. (Click to download Ash Front)
    Mobile Game Guide 969 2024-07-27 18:49:14
  • What are the redemption codes for the Mini World September 7 gift pack 2023?
    What are the redemption codes for the Mini World September 7 gift pack 2023?
    The Mini World September 7 Gift Pack Redemption Code 2023 allows players to obtain rewards on the same day, but many players still don’t know what the Mini World September 7 Gift Pack Redemption Code 2023 is, so let the editor bring it to you next Mini World September 7 gift pack redemption code 2023 summary, interested players come and take a look. What are the redemption codes for the Mini World September 7 gift pack 2023? 1. The latest redemption code OJ7289a7106899c6a6c847DbqGjGml100478ERhaLBLmCC14d9eb5203641fbf9af 2. Redemption method 1. First open the Mini World game, click login to enter the main game page, and click the gift box logo in the upper right corner of the page. 2. Then enter
    Mobile Game Guide 653 2024-07-27 18:40:02
  • Ashes Front room location introduction
    Ashes Front room location introduction
    Many friends of Ashes Front’s private room want to know where it is. Friends who have closed beta have entered the game but cannot find their own room. Below, the editor will bring you an introduction to the location of the Ashes Front room. Where is the Ashes Front's main room? 1. The Ashes' main room is in the upper right corner of the Ashes' main interface, as shown in the picture above. 2. There is no way to find your own room when you first enter the Ashes Front, because you need to clear levels 1-10 to unlock your own room. 3. If the player does not see the option of his own room, it means that the player has not cleared levels 1-10. After passing the level, he will find his own room. What is the Self Room? The Self Room provides players with very powerful information. Players who are interested can check it out.
    Mobile Game Guide 542 2024-07-27 18:39:21
  • 'Heartbeat Town' European whitefish fishing time and location sharing
    'Heartbeat Town' European whitefish fishing time and location sharing
    Fishing in the Heart Town game is not only a leisure and entertainment activity, but also helps players obtain rich resources and fun. Each fish has its own time and place to appear, and some fishable species will be affected by both weather and time! So where to catch European whitefish? Below is the editor’s sharing of European whitefish fishing time and location in “Heartbeat Town”. If you want to know more, let’s take a look. "Heartbeat Town" White Fish Fishing Time and Location Share White Fish Obtaining Location: You can catch White Fish in all lakes on the map. Access time: 0~24 all day.
    Mobile Game Guide 902 2024-07-27 18:38:55
  • Original God Amber Li drawing pictures
    Original God Amber Li drawing pictures
    Genshin Impact Amber's vertical painting brings you exquisite pictures of this lively and straightforward girl, the only scout knight in Mondstadt. It includes Amber's avatar, wallpapers, original pictures, vertical paintings and other high-definition original pictures. If you like Genshin Impact Players who play the role of Amber, come and collect it! Genshin Impact Amber avatar Genshin Impact Amber standing painting Genshin Impact Amber character gif picture character standby normal attack heavy attack attack element combat skill element burst Genshin Impact Amber HD wallpaper Genshin Impact Amber voiceover Chinese CV: Milk King Japanese CV: Shi See the fragrance of dancing vegetables
    Mobile Game Guide 928 2024-07-27 18:32:21
  • 'Heart Town Mobile Game' Sharing the Distribution of Fishes in the Old Sea
    'Heart Town Mobile Game' Sharing the Distribution of Fishes in the Old Sea
    "Heartbeat Town" is a slow-paced life simulation game. No matter what kind of hobbies or personalities you have, you can show them as you like here. Everyone likes to go fishing in the game. Below is the distribution of fish in the old sea of ​​"Heart Town Mobile Game" brought to you by the editor. Friends who are interested can take a look. "Heart Town Mobile Game" old sea fish distribution sharing old sea fish distribution: European sole, puffer fish, sardine, bonito, horse mackerel, sea bass, seahorse Rainbow Sky: European eel Blue flash: Atlantic silver pepper fish
    Mobile Game Guide 851 2024-07-27 18:22:02
  • 'Arknights' Crucible Resurrection KR-4 Raid Clearance Guide
    'Arknights' Crucible Resurrection KR-4 Raid Clearance Guide
    How to fight KR-4 raid in "Arknights"? Arknights will launch the Crucible Resurrection event in July 2024. How to hunt for treasure on the KR-4 Multisoles beach? Next, let us learn about the strategy for hanging up after the Arknights KR-4 raid. Arknights KR-4 Raid completed and hung up 1. Level Introduction [KR-3] Dosores: Treasure Hunt on the Beach Raid Conditions: The Boatswain of the Pier will no longer lose life under "water erosion" 2. Carrying Operators Source: Xiao Ran q Ground: Selea (block) High platform: Eyjafala, Chengshan (high platform warlock output x2), Honeyberry (healing) 3. Play strategy as shown in the picture, deploy Chengfang and Eyjafala (to the left), Serea provides blocking, and finally deploys Honeyberry to provide healing.
    Mobile Game Guide 594 2024-07-27 18:20:04
  • 'Heartbeat Town' Sharing of Sculpin Fishing Time and Location
    'Heartbeat Town' Sharing of Sculpin Fishing Time and Location
    Fishing in the Heart Town game is not only a leisure and entertainment activity, but also helps players obtain rich resources and fun. Each fish has its own time and place to appear, and some fishable species will be affected by both weather and time! So where to catch sculpin? Below is the editor’s sharing of the time and place for sculpin fishing in “Heartbeat Town”. If you want to know more, let’s take a look. "Heartbeat Town" Sculpin Fishing Time and Location Sharing Sculpin Obtaining Location: You can fish it in all lakes on the map. Acquisition time: 0~12. Fishing Tutor Vanya is a fishing hobby tutor. You can get early fishing equipment and bait from him, as well as very important fishing knowledge. In the game, our fishing can be divided into river fish, lake fish, and sea fish. distributed species
    Mobile Game Guide 212 2024-07-27 18:09:53
  • How to enter the top of the Valley of Kings in 'Honor of Kings'
    How to enter the top of the Valley of Kings in 'Honor of Kings'
    Where can I enter the top of the Hero Valley in "Honor of Kings"? The Peak of Heroes Valley is a newly launched competitive mode in the new version of the game. You can get rich rewards by participating in the battle. Many players do not know the specific location of the entrance to Peak of Heroes Valley. Let’s take a look with the editor. Where to enter the top of the Hero Valley of Glory of Kings 1. First, the player enters the game and goes to the main page and clicks the "Battle" button. 2. Then find the "National E-Sports" function and click to enter. 3. Finally, in the third gameplay, find the Xiagu Summit Head-to-Head Tournament and click to sign up.
    Mobile Game Guide 782 2024-07-27 18:01:47
  • Suggestions for selecting female characters in 'Everlasting'
    Suggestions for selecting female characters in 'Everlasting'
    How to choose the female character in Eternal Calamity? Many people in the Everlasting Tribulation mobile game want to play the female characters in it, so today I will recommend some useful ones to you, so that we can all play what we like when playing, then if not Come and take a look if you know how! The selection of female characters in "Eternal Tribulation" suggests that Hutao is greatly strengthened compared to the client game. In the client game, small skills cannot be used, and the big move only restores armor or blood, and has no attack skills. Now that the mobile game Hutao is available, if Ning Hongye fights One-wave flow is okay, but if you are in the field, it will be difficult to operate. Ning Hongye relies on operation, because once you activate your ultimate move, you will be attacked by everyone in the range; Canaan has a strong ability to save lives, and it is easier to save lives in mobile games, because Everyone is difficult to operate. Yin Ziping is very fun whether in a team or solo. She has a life-sustaining ability.
    Mobile Game Guide 458 2024-07-27 17:57:35
  • 'Heartbeat Town' Goby Fishing Time and Location Sharing
    'Heartbeat Town' Goby Fishing Time and Location Sharing
    Fishing in the Heart Town game is not only a leisure and entertainment activity, but also helps players obtain rich resources and fun. Each fish has its own time and place to appear, and some fishable species will be affected by both weather and time! So where to catch gobies? Below is the sharing of goby fishing time and location in "Heartbeat Town" brought to you by the editor. If you want to know more, let's take a look. "Heartbeat Town" Goby Fishing Time and Location Share Goby Obtaining Location: You can fish it in all lakes on the map. Acquisition time: 6~12.
    Mobile Game Guide 803 2024-07-27 17:53:50

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