Brothers Zhang Cheng UI tutorial Bootstrap video tutorial
"Brothers Zhang Cheng UI Tutorial Bootstrap Video Tutorial" Speaker: Zhang Cheng, the course explains the application of the BootStrap framework. Each section starts with the most basic knowledge of BootStrap and learns the use of the Bootstrap framework.
Brothers Zhang Cheng UI tutorial bootstrap video tutorial
45971 person learning
21class hour
04 hours 30 minutes 30 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 43 courses Student53536 Lecturer rating5.7
You will learn:
Bootstrap is an open source toolkit launched by Twitter for front-end development. It was developed by Twitter designers Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton and is a CSS/HTML framework. Currently, the latest version of Bootstrap is 3.0. Bootstrap Chinese website is committed to providing detailed Chinese documents, code examples, etc. to domestic developers to help developers master and use this framework.
Brothers Zhang Cheng UI tutorial Bootstrap video tutorial
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04 hours 30 minutes 30 seconds Watch videos anytime
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