Node.js Chinese Reference Manual

Read(34468) update time(2022-04-12)

For the "Node.js Chinese Reference Manual", simply put, Node.js is JavaScript running on the server side. Node.js is a platform built on the Chrome JavaScript runtime. Node.js is an event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript environment based on Google's V8 engine. The V8 engine executes Javascript very quickly and has very good performance.

Node.js is an open source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that can run JavaScript on the server side.

Node.js is owned and maintained by the Node.js Foundation and has a partnership with the Linux Foundation.

Node.js uses the V8 running code developed by Google and uses technologies such as event-driven, non-blocking and asynchronous input and output models to improve performance and optimize the transmission volume and scale of applications. These techniques are typically used in data-intensive, real-time applications.

Most basic modules of Node.js are written in JavaScript language. Before the emergence of Node.js, JavaScript was usually used as a client-side programming language, and programs written in JavaScript often ran on the user's browser.

The emergence of Node.js enables JavaScript to be used for server-side programming.

Node.js contains a series of built-in modules that allow the program to run as an independent server without Apache HTTP Server or IIS.

Tip: Before continuing with this tutorial, you should know some basic computer programming terminology. If you have studied Javascript, PHP, Java and other programming languages, it will help you understand Node.js programming faster.

Let’s run our first Node.js program!

The first Node.js program


console.log("Hello World");

Run instance»

Click" Run instance" button to view the online instance

Tips: Our Node.js tutorial will help you learn step by step how to master and use Node.js. If you have any questions, please go to the PHP Chinese websiteNode.js Ask your questions in the community and enthusiastic netizens will answer them for you.

Node.js Advantages

As an emerging front-end framework and back-end language, Node has many attractive features:

  • ##RESTful API

  • Single-threaded

  • Node can still process tasks concurrently without adding additional threads - Node. js is single threaded. It implements concurrent operations through the event loop, and we should make full use of this - avoid blocking operations as much as possible, and instead use non-blocking operations.

  • Non-blocking IO

  • V8 virtual machine

  • Event driven

Content covered by this Node.js tutorial manual

This Node.js tutorial manual covers all Node.js knowledge from elementary to advanced, including Node.js installation and configuration, Node.js Detailed knowledge of REPL, Node.js callback functions, Node.js event loop, Node.js module system, Node.js common tools, Node.js multi-process, etc.

Tips: Each chapter of this tutorial contains many Node.js examples. You can directly click the "Run Example" button to view the results online. These examples will help you better understand and use Node.js.

Latest chapter

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