Front-end development specification manual

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Front-end development is the process of creating front-end interfaces such as Web pages or apps to present to users. It uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various derived technologies, frameworks, and solutions to realize user interface interaction of Internet products. It evolved from web page production, and its name has obvious characteristics of the times. In the evolution of the Internet, web page production is a product of the Web 1.0 era. The main content of early websites was static, mainly pictures and text, and users' behavior when using the website was mainly browsing. With the development of Internet technology and the application of HTML5 and CSS3, modern web pages are more beautiful, have significant interactive effects, and are more powerful.







1. html, css, js, images文件均归档至约定的目录中;

2. html文件命名: 英文命名, 后缀.html或.htm. 同时将统一页面文件放于同目录中, 以方便后端添加功能时查找对应页面;

3. css文件命名: 英文命名, 后缀.css. 共用base.css, 首页index.css, 其他页面依实际模块需求命名.;

4. Js文件命名: 英文命名, 后缀.js. 共用common.js, 其他依实际模块需求命名。



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