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Vue in action—create your own takeout system
Chapter1 Chapter One
1-1 Project function demonstration
1-2 Project development preparation
1-3 Create project and run
1-4 Resource preparation
1-5 Project source code directory design
1-6 stylus use
1-7 component coding
1-8 Introduce vue-router
1-9 FooterGuide component
1-10 Each navigation routing component (static)
Chapter2 Chapter two
2-1 HeaderTop component
2-2 Use swiper to implement product classification list carousel
2-3 ShopList component (static)
2-4 Login component (static)
2-5 Start the background application and test the interface
2-6 Encapsulate ajax request function
2-7 Encapsulate interface request function
2-8 Use git for version control of projects
2-9 review
2-10 Configure the proxy to implement cross-domain ajax requests
Chapter3 third chapter
3-1 Create the overall structure of vuex
3-2 Use vuex to manage homepage data
3-3 Asynchronously display the current address
3-4 Display food category carousel list asynchronously
3-5 Use watch and $nextTick to solve carousel bugs
3-6 Display merchant list asynchronously
3-7 Use svg to display the loading prompt interface
3-8 Star component
3-9 Registration and login function demonstration instructions
3-10 Login interface effect 1_switch login method
Chapter4 Chapter Four
4-1 Login interface effect 2_Mobile phone number check
4-2 Login interface effect 3_countdown effect
4-3 Login interface effect 4_switch the display and hiding of passwords
4-4 Login interface effect 5_front desk expression verification
4-5 review
4-6 Dynamic one-time graphic verification code
4-7 Define interface request function
4-8 Login_Send SMS verification code
4-9 Login_Complete login request
4-10 Login_Save user information to vuex
Chapter5 chapter Five
5-1 Update the personal center interface after logging in
5-2 Login to update jump route
5-3 Automatic login
5-4 sign out
5-5 Build the overall merchant interface
5-6 json understanding
5-7 Design json data
5-8 Use mockjs to simulate interface data
5-9 ajax request mockjs simulated interface
5-10 ShopHeader component
Chapter6 Chapter Six
6-1 review
6-2 Display goods data asynchronously
6-3 Sliding effect analysis
6-4 Use better-scroll to implement rebound sliding
6-5 collectscrollY
6-6 Collect tops
6-7 Slide the list on the right to update the current category
6-8 Solve the bug of inertial sliding not updating the current category
6-9 Click on the category item to slide the list on the right
6-10 CartControl component 1
Chapter7 Chapter VII
7-1 CartControl component 2
7-2 Food component 1
7-3 Food component 2
7-4 ShopCart component 1
7-5 ShopCart Component 2
7-6 Show list of shopping items
7-7 Solve 3 bugs in list display
7-8 review
7-9 Shopping cart animation
7-10 Shopping cart list sliding
Chapter8 chapter eight
8-1 Clear shopping cart
8-2 ShopRatingsComponent1
8-3 ShopRatings component 2
8-4 ShopInfo component 1
8-5 ShopInfo component 2
8-6 ShopInfo component 3
8-7 Search component
8-8 Cache route component object
8-9 Lazy loading of routing components
8-10 Lazy loading of images vue-lazyload
8-11 Use moment to implement date filter
8-12 Packed file analysis and optimization
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