说明:plistFile是一段xml文本,转换成InputStream; bucketName;accessKey,secretKey是从属性文件获取
Properties proper = new Properties();
String bucketName = proper.getProperty("bucketName");
String accessKey = proper.getProperty("accessKey");
String secretKey = proper.getProperty("secretKey");
String https = proper.getProperty("plistHttps");
Mac mac = new Mac(accessKey, secretKey);
// 请确保该bucket已经存在
PutPolicy putPolicy = new PutPolicy(bucketName);
String uptoken = putPolicy.token(mac);
PutExtra extra = new PutExtra();
String key = "";
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(plistFile.getBytes());
extra.mimeType = "application/xml";
PutRet ret = IoApi.Put(uptoken, "xx.xml", is, extra);
You can print the value of bucketName to see if the bucketName in your space is correctly passed in. It is best to provide the uploadtoken to confirm the problem with the scope field of your upload policy.