How to convert php array to json format

Release: 2023-04-25 09:27:22
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In PHP development, converting arrays to json format is a very common and important operation. Generally, we need to convert PHP arrays into json strings in order to transmit the data to the front-end page or other systems. PHP provides some built-in functions to accomplish this task, making it very easy to convert arrays to json format.

This article will introduce how to use PHP to convert an array into json format, and discuss some matters that need to be paid attention to during this process.

First method: use json_encode() function

PHP provides a very simple function json_encode(), which can convert PHP arrays into JSON format. This function receives a PHP array as parameter and returns a JSON string. For example:

$phpArr = array(
    'name' => 'Tom',
    'age' => 20,
    'gender' => 'Male'
$jsonStr = json_encode($phpArr);
echo $jsonStr;
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The above code will output the following string in JSON format:

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As you can see, the json_encode() function is very simple and easy to use and does not require any other parameters or configuration. This function automatically converts all serializable data types to JSON format.

However, it should be noted that when converting a PHP array to JSON format, some special characters in JSON format need to be escaped. For example, backslash characters (\), single quotes ('), double quotes ("), etc. Therefore, json_encode() will automatically perform such escaping operations when converting the array to JSON format.

Second method: manual conversion

In addition to using the built-in json_encode() function, you can also manually convert the PHP array into JSON format. This method can better control the format of the JSON string, thus Meet the requirements of a specific project.

The basic idea of ​​manually converting an array to JSON format is to convert the array into a comma-separated sequence of key-value pairs, enclosed within a pair of curly braces, and finally include the sequence in A pair of square brackets is enough. For example:

$phpArr = array(
    'name' => 'Tom',
    'age' => 20,
    'gender' => 'Male'

$jsonStr = "{";
foreach ($phpArr as $key => $value) {
    $jsonStr .= "\"" . $key . "\":\"" . $value . "\",";
$jsonStr = rtrim($jsonStr, ","); // 去掉最后一个逗号
$jsonStr .= "}";
$jsonStr = "[" . $jsonStr . "]";
echo $jsonStr;
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The above code will output the following string in JSON format:

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As you can see, manually converting the array into JSON format requires json_encode() More code. Therefore, unless there are special needs, it is generally recommended to use the built-in json_encode() function for conversion.

It should be noted that when manually converting an array to JSON format, you also need to pay attention to JSON The special characters of the string need to be escaped.


This article introduces two methods of converting arrays to JSON format in PHP. You can choose which method to use according to the actual situation .It should be noted that when formatting JSON strings, special attention needs to be paid to some special characters that need to be escaped. Mastering these skills can allow us to carry out PHP development work more efficiently.

The above is the detailed content of How to convert php array to json format. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!
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