oracle basic video tutorial
"Oracle System Basics Video Tutorial" This course is recorded by Boolean Education. The Oracle system is a database management system built based on the Oracle relational database for data storage and management. Oracle, the world's first commercial database that supports SQL language, is positioned on high-end workstations and small computers used as servers, such as IBM P series servers, HP's Integraty servers, and Sun Fire servers. Oracle's entire product line includes database servers, enterprise business application suites, application development and decision support tools.
oracle basic video tutorial
oracle system
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60348 person learning
31class hour
05 hours 54 minutes 31 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 104 courses Student131930 Lecturer rating5.6
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"Oracle System Basics Video Tutorial" After reading this course, we can learn, sqlplus connection, startup and shutdown, sqlplus buffering, etc.
oracle basic video tutorial
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05 hours 54 minutes 31 seconds Watch videos anytime
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