API interface development specifications [the whole process of server-side standard interface Restful API development]
RESTful is a resource-oriented software architecture that can reduce development complexity and improve system scalability. Because RESTful adopts resource-oriented interface design and abstract operations, it simplifies developers' bad designs and also makes maximum use of the original application protocol design concept of HTTP.
restful api
82144 person learning
57class hour
22 hours 52 minutes 39 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180311 Lecturer rating5.6
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RESTful is a resource-oriented software architecture that can reduce development complexity and improve system scalability. Because RESTful adopts resource-oriented interface design and abstract operations, it simplifies developers' bad designs and also makes maximum use of the original application protocol design concept of HTTP.
API interface development specifications [the whole process of server-side standard interface Restful API development]
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22 hours 52 minutes 39 seconds Watch videos anytime
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