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Touch Teaching Machine's Wide Application and Problems Needing Attention

Touch Teaching Machine's Wide Application and Problems Needing Attention

However, with the wide application of the touch-based teaching machine, colleagues have also brought some problems, but this can not be attributed to the touch-one machine itself, many problems can be avoided when they need to be noticed when they are used in peacetime. There is a need for one of the following issues:

Note the first point. Colleagues who use the touch-one cannot replace teachers’ dominant position in the children of students.


In some schools, many teachers can use multimedia as a panacea to improve teaching effectiveness. Excessive pursuit and use of the practical functions of the multimedia touch-sensitive machine have made students become “look-a-players” and classrooms have become “full-view”. Although multimedia equipment is a teaching method, it is not the only one. As a teacher, teachers should first grasp their dominant position and role in teaching. Through the design of the teaching process and the flexible and varied operation, the multimedia touch-sensitive machine will be the best. Good teaching function to avoid teachers from becoming visible commentators.

Pay attention to the second point, and solve the problem of the relationship between course speed and student notes.

In the traditional teaching method, the teacher also finished the process of taking notes while the teacher wrote the book. However, in the multimedia teaching mode, because the teacher rarely wrote the book, students often forgot to take notes, listen to lessons and forget to take notes. There is no chance of "playback" after class. This "over film" teaching method is difficult to enable students to learn solid knowledge. Teachers are better able to print the courseware in the form of handouts to students in advance so that students can focus on the lesson without thinking about taking notes, or try to adjust the speed of the demonstration course and leave it for the students to think and record. Time rather than rush.


Note that the third point, multimedia touch one machine teaching should be combined with traditional teaching, can not replace the board

Due to the promotion and use of multimedia teaching, many teachers have completely dissociated themselves from chalk and blackboards when using multimedia to teach. As the saying goes, “The ruler has a short foot and has a long way to go”. This is why the blackboard is a modern teaching medium that cannot be replaced. Blackboard has the ability of real-time reproduction, read with writing, write with rub, and content can be easily added or deleted. When teachers have inspiration in teaching, these inspirations are often the moving part of teaching arts. It is appropriate to combine traditional teaching methods. The use of a good combination of board and multimedia can greatly improve teaching effectiveness

In short, the rapid development of multimedia touch teaching integrated machine has led to more and more common use of multimedia technology in the field of teaching. While learning multimedia and computer technology, teachers should also pay attention to the development of educational theories so that they can use advanced educational theories to guide their multimedia teaching at any time. Only in this way can the advantage of multimedia teaching be better reflected.

Shenzhen ZSG Electronics Co., Ltd.It is a Domestic professional development design, production, sales of liquid crystal display equipment and related electronic products enterprises.Contact us: shouxian@gdzsg.com

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